photo of Migaku-san when he was young

漁業歌人 磨(みがく)



延縄の 初釣り鮪の 心臓(ボツ)抜いて 船霊(ふなだま)に祈る 今日の豊漁


(以下、令和元年10月20日掲載 石巻かほく 短歌欄より引用)



Fisherman poet, MIGAKU

Taking advantage of his more than 50 years of experience as a fisherman,
he composes japanese poem such as tanka, haiku, senryu with a focus on the sea of Showa period.

He started composing tanka at the age of 77, and now doesn't know how many notebooks he has…
He is spending his days diligently jotting down notes and submitting them to newspapers.

"haenawa no hatsutsuri maguro no botsu nuite funadama ni inoru kyou no houryou"

In the tanka column of the newspaper, the avobe tanka was highly recognized by Mr. Seikou Sato
who is poet living in Miyagi.
Mr. Sato named Migaku-san as a "fisherman poet" and praised him highly.

The following is quoted partly from tanka column of Ishinomaki Kahoku published on October 20, 2019.
Ishinomaki Kahoku is daily newspaper published in the Ishinomaki region, Miyagi Prefecture.

Mr. Sato said;
Through this tanka, I learned for the first time about the ceremony on the boat to pray for a good catch.
The charm of this tanka, which vividly conveys the tense atmosphere on board, is indescribable.
It is a "tanka column'' that fascinates readers by turning painful experiences in their youth into works.
I'm looking forward to seeing his next work.

We appreciate this good ratings.

On this site, I will post Migaku-san's japanese poems about fisheries and everyday life.
I would appreciate if you enjoy and feel the Japanese culture through japanese poems.